Meet with a Criminal Justice Studies faculty advisor for more information about our programs. There are no assigned faculty advisors and students are welcome to meet with any of the below faculty advisors regarding course selections, degree pathways, transfer requirements, and much more. During the period of remote instruction, advising will continue via Zoom.
Faculty Advisors

Prof. Elizabeth Brown, Department Chair
In person and zoom available by appointment; please email

Prof. George Barganier
Office Hours: Wednesday: 10:30am - 12:30pm

Prof. Angélica Camacho
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays: 2:30pm- 3:30pm

Prof. Albert de la Tierra
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays: 11am - 12pm

Prof. Carina Gallo
On sabbatical

Prof. Gina James
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday: 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Prof. Jeff Snipes
Office Hours: Tuesdays: 1pm -3pm on zoom and by appointment

Prof. Dilara Yarbrough
On leave for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025
Our programs offer the following pathways:
While our CJS pathways for our major and minor programs are valuable resources when considering course selection, they do not take the place of meeting with a faculty advisor.
Our degree program offers the following ADT pathways.
- B.A. in Criminal Justice Studies – AJ Associate Degree for Transfer Roadmap
- B.A. in Criminal Justice Studies – LPPS Associate Degree for Transfer Roadmap
- B.A. in Criminal Justice Studies – SJS Associate Degree for Transfer Roadmap
- B.A. in Criminal Justice Studies – SOC Associate Degree for Transfer Roadmap
For those who do not have a transfer degree, if you’ve taken AJ2 (Intro to Criminal Justice) or AJ4 (Criminal Law), these courses also transfer into the major.
Students who have completed any of the ADTs, will need to complete an additional 60 units toward a degree in Criminal Justice Studies.
Registrar Forms are needed for a variety of advising-related issues, including late adds, retroactive addition of a class for a previous semester, or overloading units in a single semester. The most common forms used are the "waiver of college regulations", the "exceed maximum units" for students who want to register for more than 19 units in a semester, the "exceed 13 units" for students on academic probation, and the "independent study" learning agreement.
Criminal Justice Studies is in the College of Health & Social Sciences (CHSS), college code is 38.
For more information about Student Resource Center, Advising, Petitions and more please visit For Students section on the CHSS website.
Students in the CEL Paralegal Studies program can count up to two courses from the following list to the Criminal Justice Studies major:
- PLS 370: Criminal Law
- PLS 330: Family Law
- PLS 345: Immigration Law
- PLS 320: Legal Research and Writing
To have these classes count towards your major, please email the department chair, Dr. Elizabeth Brown.
How to be successful in CJS: A former CJS student describes how to be successful in CJ 230 and in the major more broadly. Check it out and see a fomer student's perspective on what you can do to be a star CJS student.